火車動力 - 潘明輝 - 勇霸神駒
高伯新近期成績好轉,第二場初次上陣的「快利」姍姍來遲 不敵「承你所願」;幸好第七場的「勇霸神駒」藉潘明輝減十磅之利,力抗「帝豪寶寶」到底,再次開出翻版Q,而火車潘 在港四次出賽 四日均有馬贏。r7 - 勇霸神駒 - 帝豪寶寶 - 環保動力 - 魚躍鳥歡 - 翔惑「勇霸神駒」再下一城,為高伯新贏出季內第9W,護級邁進一大步...高伯新:「潘明輝往南澳洲受訓前,在港曾跟隨我馬房學習,如今他可以為我建功,我當然非常高興。」
r9 - 獅子驄 - 幸運美金 - 笑春風 - 永勝神駒 - 華美之寶
r1 - 包勝 - 但求上舖 - 駿馬翹楚 - 樂趣 - 明多多郭能停賽復出,憑「包勝」食頭胡,而處於榜尾的告達理 打破近兩個月的悶局 頭馬累積至六W...告達理:「『包勝』落五班 質素秤先,只要保持進度,升四班仍可一爭。」
r3 - 正本雄心 - 瀟灑王子 - 好友益 - 天意 - 開心健康
韋達 曾幾何時 影凱旋門相『多不勝數』...時移世易 贏頭馬變得『聊聊可數』 可謂風水輪流轉。霍利時:「『正本雄心』由我親自為馬主購入,型格好 具備質素 兼演出準繩。此駒目前三歲,有進步空間,千六米稍長,千四米最合適,如果賽事 有快步速幫助,更有利其爭勝。」
莫雷拉 憑「新寫實派」及「鷹雄」包辦兩項錦標,另外再贏「海嵐一號」、「承你所願」及「東方快車」,於第七場賽後已提早成為騎師王。莫雷拉 目前頭馬數字達到144W,距離上季紀錄168W只差24場。
皇太后紀念盃 國際三級賽 2400米馬主蕭百君:「『鷹雄』跑二千米至二千四百米最合,賽前我對牠充滿信心,美中不足是『達羅素』力拼只跑第四,未能包辦同主位置Q。『鷹雄』下仗將出戰遮打盃,希望能夠再下一城。」
r6 - 鷹雄 - 喜蓮彩星 - 大雄圖 - 達羅素 - 哈蝦巴爸大摩:「『鷹雄』是一匹不折不扣的長途佳駟,甚至跑至兩哩亦無問題。『鷹雄』及『喜蓮彩星』下個目標都是一級賽遮打盃,希望可以繼續交出好成績。我亦計劃兩駒參與下半年的澳洲春季嘉年華,例如考菲爾德盃(2400米)及墨爾本盃(3200米)。」
r2 - 承你所願 - 快利 - 運財童子 - 智勝明駒 - 蓋世之寶馬主關百豪:「『承你所願』是千六馬,初出贏千二,算是意外驚喜。此駒質素相當,希望愈跑愈進步,之後部署 有待與蘇偉賢安排。」
r10 - 東方快車 - 喜旺寶 - 上利多 - 創世紀 - 美麗威威
愛彼女皇盃是「新寫實派」首個奪取的國際一級賽冠軍,牠於2016年8月 二級賽札幌紀念賽(2000米) 擊敗三度在港勝出一級賽的「滿樂時」;其後2017年2月再下一城 摘下二級賽中山紀念賽(1800米)。今日「新寫實派」以2分4.59秒 完成賽事;牠是繼「榮進寶蹄-2002及2003年」及「統治地位-2012年」之後,另一匹攻下愛彼女皇盃的日本賽駒。
r8 - 新寫實派 - 巴基之星 - 明月千里 - 將男 - 美國聯邦
「新寫實派」季內第二度來港,終於成功奪標... 2015年日本中央競馬會 冠軍練馬師-堀宣行:「吸收了去年十二月來港的經驗,『新寫實派』今次狀態更優勝,賽前莫雷拉與我仔細研究過賽事形勢,所以對騎者一直投信心一票。」
「巴基之星」續配蘇兆輝挑戰女皇盃,結果後追不及 跑得第二,繼香港經典盃和打吡之後,連續三場級際賽事做「阿二」,蘇兆輝露出失望表情之餘 馬主丁志強亦顯得有點失落。「巴基之星」初次挑戰國際一級賽,出閘反應 明顯比之前快,賽事中段被「新寫實派」走甩,「巴基之星」發力狂追 末段21.95秒 依舊以頸位飲恨。值得一提「巴基之星」 連續三仗跑第二,均被雷神的坐騎擊敗。
「美國聯邦-THE UNITED STATES」馬主是Lloyd Williams領導之澳洲Hudson Conway Racing團體,首次派馬來港參賽...柏寶:「『美國聯邦』是一匹出色的年長馬,今仗已全力以赴。」
法國代表「民間智慧-DICTON」是香港馬主 黃志祥 擁有... 柏兆雷:「今仗的步速對『民間智慧』來說略嫌有點慢,而且場地不是牠較合跑的偏軟場地。」
賽後 獸醫應大摩的要求替「明月千里」進行內窺鏡檢查。獸醫表示,「明月千里」的氣管內有很多血,牠必須通過獸醫檢驗後,才可再次出賽。
r4 - 海嵐一號 - 勝利歡星 - 常拼常勝 - 快樂實在 - 魅力知寶葉楚航說:「原本想找巫顯東跑『海嵐一號』,但既然莫雷拉索騎,當然強配出擊。賽前我吩咐莫雷拉搶前,結果慢放得手。希望八歲馬的體力能維持到季尾,之後會光榮退役。」
今日才發現「海嵐一號」的彩衣...原來白袖中 有"一條灰橫間"的。
來港客串騎師 布文在女皇杯 搏失「明月千里」跑第三,其餘兩匹座騎「勝利歡星」入Q,「龍船鼓響」成功報捷,成績相當出色。
r5 - 龍船鼓響 - 財寶家駒 - 福愛寶 - 至尊無上 - 銀豐神駒姚本輝:「『龍船鼓響』贏在布文的出色發揮,亦只有他能鬥贏莫雷拉。『龍船鼓響』極具後勁,今仗末段,騎者表現得非常淡定,贏來信心十足。」
2017年05月05日 ~ 國產大型客機C919 在上海浦東機場進行飛行試驗成功... 中國首架國產大型客機C919,今日下午約二時由上海浦東機場起飛,C919 飛行大約九十分鐘,進行多達十五項測試,包括地面檢查、爬升、平飛、著陸及復飛。C919機位約190個,標準航程4,000公里(約北京至新加坡距離);C919國產化率僅約50%,除了機身設計及「機殼」等部件為國產, 許多重要組件包括引擎、推力反向器等關鍵系統均來自歐美企業,估計2025年後 國產化率將超過90%。C919的最大意義在於打破美國波音(Boeing-787)和歐洲空中巴士(Airbus-A320)壟斷,只要投入運營就代表成功,最關鍵的問題在於是否可以獲得試航證,擁有試航證則代表可以打入國際市場。
2008年 美國前總統奧巴馬在演講說美國將很快有13條高鐵,到2017年下台時卻沒有修成一寸高鐵相比,中國顯然務實、進取得多。到目前為止,中國高鐵運營里程已逾2萬公里,佔全球高鐵運營里程的70%。中國地鐵也出現井噴狀態,由於有足夠的資金和技術,修地鐵已經成為家常便飯。北京已經規劃聯接天津、石家莊的龐大地鐵網,上海地鐵也探拓和南京、杭州對接的可能性;加上天上的飛機,中國天上、地面和地下的交通網絡,將徹底改寫未來的運輸格局。
The Immaculate Collection
The Immaculate Collection(完美無瑕集) is the first greatest hits album by Madonna in 1990. 小弟從未擁有過 Madonna 的黑膠碟,自1982年出道 只從MTV認識她;此CD搜攞她大部份靚歌 十分超值。
上列拼圖是 Madonna 8/90年代之經典造形...上世紀8/90年代 流行樂壇只有兩人獨當一面,男有 Michael Jackson#,女的是 Madonna。其後 她形象變化不斷 推陳出新;可是 年紀大了 本人總是接受不了 一位年過半百之女星 賣弄風騷的。
相關文章:-# Michael Jackson ~ Video Greatest Hits – HIStory
Dress You Up Live Virgin Tour-1985 "Dress You Up" is a song from Madonna's second studio album Like a Virgin (1984). The song is one of several of Madonna's hit singles not included in The Immaculate Collection... 話說 80年代冷戰快將結束 世界一遍昇平景象...時裝、廣告 設計都是 色彩繽紛 五彩班爛 形象正面;話鋒一轉 Madonna "壞女孩" 破空而出 色彩艷麗 有過之而無不及,實有嘩眾取寵之謙...
Satin sheets And luxuries so fine,
All your suits are custom made in London,
I've got something that you'll really like...
A live performance from Madonna's first world tour, namely The Virgin Tour in 1985, was used as the music video. "Dress You Up" was the opening song of the set. Madonna wore a blue see-through crop-top, revealing her characteristic black bra. She also had lacy leggings and crucifixes around her ear and her neck. She particularly liked its lyrics. The lyrics are an extended metaphor for fashion and sex, comparing dressing up with passion.
Madonna - Into The Groove
"Desperately Seeking Susan-神秘約會" 1985 "Into the Groove" is a song from the 1985 film "Desperately Seeking Susan". MTV made up of clips from the film, with the lyrics often matching the images. The lyrics of the song are simple, written as an invitation to dance with the singer. However, it carries sexual innuendos and undertones in the meaning.
"Desperately Seeking Susan" is an American comedy-drama film directed by Susan Seidelman and starring Rosanna Arquette and Madonna. Set in New York, the plot involves the interaction between two women – a bored housewife and a bohemian drifter – linked by various announcements in the personal column of a newspaper.
Madonna - Holiday - 1984 "Holiday" is a song recorded by Madonna for her eponymous debut studio album Madonna (1983). From all public commentating, "Holiday" is descripted as a simple song with a fresh appeal and a good mood, and one of the great songs of the Madonna album. Madonna has performed "Holiday" on most of her tours and it is generally included as a part of the encore. 在買下此CD前 小弟對"Holiday"是全無認知的...又工作煩重 睡眠不足 起牀總是懶洋洋的,梳洗更衣 隨手按下CD 作喚醒睡意,奇怪 Track 1-"Holiday" 輕快節奏 確實有效,漸漸成為每朝之習慣。今日觀看 "Holiday" MTV Madonna 與兩位舞伴 跳舞動作 一如8/90年代流行之健康舞;背景中 有一位不相關 穿睡衣的老人 在牀上睡不了 穿來插去...此隱喻情境 自己也不禁 從心中笑出來。
"Madonna the immaculate collection"...Madonna is a singer, songwriter, actress, and also a successful businesswoman.
Madonna - Material Girl - 1985
Only boys who save their pennies
Make my rainy day...
The music video for "Material Girl" was inspired by Marilyn Monroe's performance of the song "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" in the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes...
Madonna - Like a Prayer (Live 8) - 2005 "Like a Prayer" is a pop rock song with elements of gospel music. A choir provides background vocals that heighten the song's spiritual nature, and a rock guitar keeps the music dark and mysterious. Madonna introduced liturgical words in the lyrics—inspired by her Catholic upbringing—but changed the context in which they were used. They have dual meanings of sexual innuendo(諷刺) and religion.
Live 8 was a string of benefit concerts that took place on 2 July 2005, in the G8 states and in South Africa. They also coincided with the 20th anniversary of Live Aid. Madonna performed Live "Like a Prayer" in Hyde Park, London.
all you will see is a girl you once knew
Although she's dressed up to the nines
At sixes and sevens with you...
Madonna - Evita (1996) "Evita" is a 1996 American musical drama film based on Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical of the same name. The film was directed by Alan Parker, and written by Parker and Oliver Stone, the film stars Madonna as Eva, Antonio Banderas as Ché, an everyman who acts as the film's narrator, and Jonathan Pryce as Eva's husband Juan Perón.
"Don't Cry for Me Argentina" is a song recorded by Julie Covington for the 1976 concept album, "Evita", and was later included in the 1978 musical of the same name.
Madonna - American Pie - 2000 "American Pie" is a cover version released in March 2000 to promote the soundtrack of her film "The Next Best Thing". "The Next Best Thing" is an American comedy-drama film directed by John Schlesinger. It stars Madonna, Rupert Everett, and Benjamin Bratt. The film was a critical failure.
"American Pie" music video depicts(描繪) a diverse(多元化) array of ordinary Americans, including scenes showing same-sex couples kissing. Throughout the music video Madonna, who is wearing a tiara on her head, dances and sings in front of a large American flag.
OMG! Don Mclean 唱的"American Pie" 講的是50-70年的美國文化種種,Madonna's MTV意識 說的是另一套(不知歷史及歌詞寓意 新一代反而會接受Madonna's MTV意念)...輿論好壞參半,支持者可說 它也是反映某些 美國社會各階層之現象,或許 Madonna 在娛樂圈都係搵食罷 請大家不要太認真。
相關文章:- Don Mclean "American Pie"
2017年05月05日 ~ 國產大型客機C919 在上海浦東機場進行飛行試驗成功... 中國首架國產大型客機C919,今日下午約二時由上海浦東機場起飛,C919 飛行大約九十分鐘,進行多達十五項測試,包括地面檢查、爬升、平飛、著陸及復飛。C919機位約190個,標準航程4,000公里(約北京至新加坡距離);C919國產化率僅約50%,除了機身設計及「機殼」等部件為國產, 許多重要組件包括引擎、推力反向器等關鍵系統均來自歐美企業,估計2025年後 國產化率將超過90%。C919的最大意義在於打破美國波音(Boeing-787)和歐洲空中巴士(Airbus-A320)壟斷,只要投入運營就代表成功,最關鍵的問題在於是否可以獲得試航證,擁有試航證則代表可以打入國際市場。
2008年 美國前總統奧巴馬在演講說美國將很快有13條高鐵,到2017年下台時卻沒有修成一寸高鐵相比,中國顯然務實、進取得多。到目前為止,中國高鐵運營里程已逾2萬公里,佔全球高鐵運營里程的70%。中國地鐵也出現井噴狀態,由於有足夠的資金和技術,修地鐵已經成為家常便飯。北京已經規劃聯接天津、石家莊的龐大地鐵網,上海地鐵也探拓和南京、杭州對接的可能性;加上天上的飛機,中國天上、地面和地下的交通網絡,將徹底改寫未來的運輸格局。
The Immaculate Collection
上列拼圖是 Madonna 8/90年代之經典造形...上世紀8/90年代 流行樂壇只有兩人獨當一面,男有 Michael Jackson#,女的是 Madonna。其後 她形象變化不斷 推陳出新;可是 年紀大了 本人總是接受不了 一位年過半百之女星 賣弄風騷的。
相關文章:-# Michael Jackson ~ Video Greatest Hits – HIStory
Satin sheets And luxuries so fine,
All your suits are custom made in London,
I've got something that you'll really like...
A live performance from Madonna's first world tour, namely The Virgin Tour in 1985, was used as the music video. "Dress You Up" was the opening song of the set. Madonna wore a blue see-through crop-top, revealing her characteristic black bra. She also had lacy leggings and crucifixes around her ear and her neck. She particularly liked its lyrics. The lyrics are an extended metaphor for fashion and sex, comparing dressing up with passion.
"Desperately Seeking Susan-神秘約會" 1985
"Desperately Seeking Susan" is an American comedy-drama film directed by Susan Seidelman and starring Rosanna Arquette and Madonna. Set in New York, the plot involves the interaction between two women – a bored housewife and a bohemian drifter – linked by various announcements in the personal column of a newspaper.
"Madonna the immaculate collection"...Madonna is a singer, songwriter, actress, and also a successful businesswoman.
Only boys who save their pennies
Make my rainy day...
The music video for "Material Girl" was inspired by Marilyn Monroe's performance of the song "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" in the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes...
Live 8 was a string of benefit concerts that took place on 2 July 2005, in the G8 states and in South Africa. They also coincided with the 20th anniversary of Live Aid. Madonna performed Live "Like a Prayer" in Hyde Park, London.
all you will see is a girl you once knew
Although she's dressed up to the nines
At sixes and sevens with you...
"Don't Cry for Me Argentina" is a song recorded by Julie Covington for the 1976 concept album, "Evita", and was later included in the 1978 musical of the same name.
"American Pie" music video depicts(描繪) a diverse(多元化) array of ordinary Americans, including scenes showing same-sex couples kissing. Throughout the music video Madonna, who is wearing a tiara on her head, dances and sings in front of a large American flag.
OMG! Don Mclean 唱的"American Pie" 講的是50-70年的美國文化種種,Madonna's MTV意識 說的是另一套(不知歷史及歌詞寓意 新一代反而會接受Madonna's MTV意念)...輿論好壞參半,支持者可說 它也是反映某些 美國社會各階層之現象,或許 Madonna 在娛樂圈都係搵食罷 請大家不要太認真。
相關文章:- Don Mclean "American Pie"