r8 - 仔仔女女 - 勁卒過河 - 快人一步 - 亮亮的 - 旺綵葉楚航在快活谷日賽回勇反擊,憑新勝馬「勝在分秒」再下一城,然後「仔仔女女」藉一檔之利擊敗大熱門「勁卒過河」,成功起孖。
r2 - 勝在分秒 - 金紫荊 - 駟馬難追 - 一言既出 - 金滿載葉楚航:「『勝在分秒』要貼欄順放才能交出最高水準,吳嘉晉早段全力催策馬兒放頭,再一次帶返終點,人馬表現俱佳。此駒雖然已屆七歲,隨時可於四班再添戰功。」
r1 - 雄姿儷影 - 足球快綫 - 盈驥 - 時時有機 - 瀟洒靚龍方嘉柏:「今場多馬搶放,有利『雄姿儷影』後上,何澤堯臨危不亂,力騎保住勝果,人馬發揮稱職。『雄姿儷影』日後會主攻谷戰及泥賽,重返四班不無一爭之力。」
r6 - 好旺財 - 魅力心 - 雪山神駒 - 超級精神 - 化工之昇蔡明紹憑薛廐「好旺財」贏出本季第11場頭馬,連贏五日,「旺」氣迫人!薛達志:「因外疊馬逐匹上前切入,令到『好旺財』被迫墮後到尾列位置,猶幸此駒氣量充足,快步速形勢無損其競爭力,最終勝回一仗。『好旺財』健康狀況良佳,沙田與快活谷都合發揮,依然有能力爭取頭馬。」
r4 - 香港發 - 桂花飄香 - 京城精英 - 的確好靚 - 領航精神呂健威近期手風順,繼上周三憑「時時攞彩」取得在港從練以來第400場頭馬之後,今日「香港發」順利連捷。呂健威:「『香港發』在沙圈時已相當淡定,馬偉昌的發揮也很出色。這匹愛爾蘭馬現時狀態大勇,日後會在田草1600米及谷草1650米作雙線發展,在四班負輕磅也有權爭勝。」
r5 - 真誠真意 - 團隊精神 - 軒轅勇將 - 日月暉華 - 一兵一卒苗禮德話「真誠真意」根本唔係四班材料,今次輕勝絕不意外。路程方面肯定可以跑長啲,但現時會集中谷中千二米。
r3 - 莫己若 - 財源來 - 精嘜 - 百威將領 - 喜欣賞「莫己若」前一次與郭富城嘅愛駒「愛的呼喚」同場,因氣管有痰三甲不入。今日終於贏馬,等叻哥可以叻番次。
“聞道百,以爲莫己若” 出自莊子《秋水篇》大意為 知道點皮毛就以爲自己很了不起了…何良:「上仗『莫己若』受慢步速影響,結果力追不及得第三。今次蘇狄雄發揮出水準,贏得輕鬆。此駒腳部的骨刺問題已解決,日後將集中安排牠出戰谷草。」點解買兩票? 第一次傳送出問題 check balances亦未扣數 故此再sent一次 其後發覺已是投了兩注 頓時媽聲四起...中了獎梗係開心 是否馬會明醒? 不得而知?
r7 - 魅力星 - 心中有程 - 利駿 - 全能足球 - 傳奇快車何良與潘頓今季第一次合作就取得勝仗,何良說:「賽前我與潘頓研究過後,認爲『魅力星』排中檔起步不易跑,必須先找遮擋,今仗步速快,令馬群完全扯散,此駒才可發揮出賽前部署。」
馬拉華度賽馬會挑戰盃 第三班 1000米
r9 - 恩格斯 - 善寳 - 名馬 - 多益善 - 大家勝利本季首次谷中日賽,騎師潘頓兩冠三亞一殿封王,他策騎勝出「恩格斯」打破與大摩合作之悶局(上次合作贏馬已是2009年1月4日之「金鑾殿」)。
r10 - 紅旗勇將 - 鐵胆龍 - 易搏贏 - 光輝出擊 - 銀桂飄香大摩尾場再以「紅旗勇將」包辦第九口孖寶,練者說:「『紅旗勇將』今仗贏來充滿說服力,令我非常滿意,下仗牠將與廄侶「甜將」及「步步快」角逐11月中舉行的馬會短途錦標,然後以香港短途錦標為目標。」
20 October 2012 - Frankel retires unbeaten after Champion Stakes win at Ascot... Pacing by stable mate Bullet Train(子彈列車), Frankel(范高爾) gradually eased into the 1m2f contest and was set to strike from fourth place as the field entered the final straight. Roared on by over 30,000 spectators, all willing him towards perfection, Queally urged Frankel to switch on the afterburners with a furlong to go and the sublime four-year-old pulled away from the gallant challenge of Cirrus des Aigles(天鷹翺翔). Nathaniel(天賜寶駒) ran the third. Frankel was timed in 2:10.22 for the 1 1/4 miles on soft turf. Owner Prince Khalid Abdullah confirmed in the winners' enclosure after the race that Frankel will be retired.
Owner Saudi Prince Khalid Abduallah was lucky enough to own sensational Arc winner Dancing Brave, one of the greatest thoroughbreds of the 20th century. With Frankel, he found out that lightning really can strike twice in the same place.
Trainer Henry Cecil, who has spoken movingly of how Frankel has helped sustain him in his fight against cancer, said: "I cannot believe in the history of horse racing that there has ever been a better racehorse.
Jockey Tom Queally, who started out in Ireland as a pony racing champion, rode Frankel to every one of his 14 victories over three years.
The Horse Frankel, a 4-year-old Galileo colt and Europe's reigning Horse of the Year, is named in honor of Racing Hall of Fame trainer Bobby Frankel, who trained Juddmonte's runners for many years in the U.S. and he was died in 2009.
14 Jun 2013 - Sir Henry Cecil, the 10-time champion trainer died of stomach cancer on Tuesday, aged 70, after a long illness.... Henry Cecil first gained a trainer's licence in 1969 after assisting his stepfather. He was Champion Trainer 10 times and had trained 25 domestic Classic winners, comprising 4 winners of the Epsom Derby, 8 winners of the Epsom Oaks, 6 winners of the 1,000 Guineas, 3 of the 2,000 Guineas and 4 winners of the St. Leger Stakes. He was the Master Trainer at Royal Ascot, where he successfully trained 75 winners.
20 October 2012 - Frankel retires unbeaten after Champion Stakes win at Ascot... Pacing by stable mate Bullet Train(子彈列車), Frankel(范高爾) gradually eased into the 1m2f contest and was set to strike from fourth place as the field entered the final straight. Roared on by over 30,000 spectators, all willing him towards perfection, Queally urged Frankel to switch on the afterburners with a furlong to go and the sublime four-year-old pulled away from the gallant challenge of Cirrus des Aigles(天鷹翺翔). Nathaniel(天賜寶駒) ran the third. Frankel was timed in 2:10.22 for the 1 1/4 miles on soft turf. Owner Prince Khalid Abdullah confirmed in the winners' enclosure after the race that Frankel will be retired.
Owner Saudi Prince Khalid Abduallah was lucky enough to own sensational Arc winner Dancing Brave, one of the greatest thoroughbreds of the 20th century. With Frankel, he found out that lightning really can strike twice in the same place.
Trainer Henry Cecil, who has spoken movingly of how Frankel has helped sustain him in his fight against cancer, said: "I cannot believe in the history of horse racing that there has ever been a better racehorse.
Jockey Tom Queally, who started out in Ireland as a pony racing champion, rode Frankel to every one of his 14 victories over three years.
The Horse Frankel, a 4-year-old Galileo colt and Europe's reigning Horse of the Year, is named in honor of Racing Hall of Fame trainer Bobby Frankel, who trained Juddmonte's runners for many years in the U.S. and he was died in 2009.
14 Jun 2013 - Sir Henry Cecil, the 10-time champion trainer died of stomach cancer on Tuesday, aged 70, after a long illness.... Henry Cecil first gained a trainer's licence in 1969 after assisting his stepfather. He was Champion Trainer 10 times and had trained 25 domestic Classic winners, comprising 4 winners of the Epsom Derby, 8 winners of the Epsom Oaks, 6 winners of the 1,000 Guineas, 3 of the 2,000 Guineas and 4 winners of the St. Leger Stakes. He was the Master Trainer at Royal Ascot, where he successfully trained 75 winners.