《悲慘世界》Les Misérables 是法國大文豪 維克多·雨果(Victor Hugo)於1862年所發表的一部長篇小說,雨果的創作靈感 來源於一個真實的 罪犯和警察,他把這個真實人物的性格 化成了故事中的兩位主角...經典巨著特色大多是 反影社會現實 不公平;探討人性善惡 不公義;議論貧富不均 不平等;描寫男女相愛 不相親等等。千古傳頌歷史流長,有人的地方就有故事,我與你都在這滾滾紅塵中,擔任演出了一個半個角色。
將男 · 杜滿萊
杜滿萊(Mirco Demuro) 曾五度榮膺意大利冠軍騎師,曾在十個國家勝出逾2,700場頭馬,迄今已勝出21場一級賽,其中9場在日本贏得。重要勝仗包括2003年日本打比大賽、2008年日本盃、2010年有馬紀念賽及2012年秋季天皇賞。2011年策騎「比薩勝駒」捧走的杜拜世界盃。董事盃 THE STEWARDS' CUP 香港一級賽 1600米告東尼:「『將男』仍有不少進步空間,真正實力尚未盡露。稍後牠將集中出擊本地分級賽,若成績理想,便會考慮進軍海外如新航國際盃。」
r8 - 將男 - 花月春風 - 喜蓮標緻 - 軍事出擊 - 驌龍
r9 - 美麗之星 - 貳寶 - 飛哥 - 好好分 - 威武福星馬主郭少明表示,美麗之星降至三班作賽,故有一定信心,贏馬後應可以奪得打吡入場券,下仗或會出戰香港經典盃。
r2 - 盤滿鉢滿 - 帝聖好好 - 四季星 - 駟馬難追 - 友德揮徐雨石:「『盤滿鉢滿』非常質新稚嫩,前仗初出遇場地變化,不合腳法下輸得較遠,而剛戰梁家俊已發揮得很好,影相僅敗只因途中擠阻,今戰改配莫雷拉是馬主的意思,總算順利開齋而回。」
r3 - 會心微笑 - 紫電明珠 - 信是有緣 - 秋月春風 - 鼓浪花園馬偉昌繼上月29日替方廐「自動導航」爆出18倍冷W後,今日又爆16倍的「會心微笑」。至於方嘉柏則繼上周三憑「奇勇」及「城中話題」起孖後,再添一場勝仗,季內頭馬增至19場。方嘉柏:「『會心微笑』之前的表現令我感到頗失望,加戴眼罩上陣後,走勢明顯好轉,後勁大為改善,交出強勁衝刺重開勝門。不過,牠跑谷草的表現應該會更為出色,日後也會安排牠轉場上陣。」
r5 - 好加加 - 贏男 - 火龍寶 - 招財快駒 - 名采何良憑「好加加」及「火紅人」包辦第六口孖寶,女馬主史佩加初次養馬,賽後十分開心,她說:「雖然『好加加』今仗排十二檔,但賽前我們仍有信心,因為何良表示,此駒喜歡在外疊競跑,而且在內欄容易受阻,所以並不影響機會。」馬會復辦四重彩,編排在第五場及尾場舉行。四重彩每注最低投注金額為10元。「靈活玩」投注總額達24元或以上,就能以每注1元的最低投注金額下注。行政總裁應家柏發表 馬會引進的Longitude計算系統,此系統以往只用於股票市場,未有其他賽馬受注機構採用,如今在港啟動,不但可以迅速顯示賠率,投注操作上帶來更大方便。」
r6 - 火紅人 - 紅駿 - 威風猛將 - 首席 - 福到威威李寶利今日告別戰,憑「千軍萬馬」及「大紅人」梅開二度,開心做出招牌心形動作,留下美好回憶。
r1 - 千軍萬馬 - 宇宙駿駒 - 風度翩翩 - 威祥 - 確威星「千軍萬馬」一放到底取勝,馬主團體經理人林建康賽前信心十足,上午特別搭早機從上海趕返拉頭馬云云!
r4 - 得天獨厚 - 輕彈錢笑 - 控制者 - 泡泡小子 - 春意溢然澳洲好手貝湯美客串一天,四匹坐騎中勝出「得天獨厚」,另於香港經典一哩賽夥拍「威爾頓」奪亞,成績不俗。騎者透露,已入紙申請季尾的公司騎師牌照,若然順利,4月27日女皇盃日便開始上陣。
步步友 fans 打氣團
香港經典一哩賽 THE MERCEDES-BENZ HONG KONG CLASSIC MILE 香港一級賽 1600米大摩:「『步步友』有一個花名叫Big Red ,而上世紀澳洲有一匹馬王Phar Lap 亦是此花名,希望前駒的成就能夠媲美,牠下個目標是二月十六日的香港經典盃,之後是打大賽。」
r7 - 步步友 - 威爾頓 - 信利多 - 隨心隨意 - 好健康「雷神」莫雷拉大演帽子戲法,成功進佔騎師榜第二位,更憑「步步友」贏得在港首項一級賽,時間1分33秒43。
r10 - 醉必勝 - 新力鷹 - 霸王神駒 - 旅遊名牌 - 紅衣巨龍「醉必勝」馬主蕭劍新表示等了這場頭馬很久:「這場頭馬對我來說可算是遲來的春天,本來牠的目標是要贏上屆打吡,可惜牠在該場的表現令人失望。大摩為此駒做了不少工夫,又數度換配備,總算在此扳回一仗,此駒日後可加程跑2000米甚至以上路程。」
尾場苗禮德 霸王神駒 走勢如狼似虎...最後屈居第三 鑑貌辨色...輸得好"金"
In 19th-century France, Jean Valjean, who for decades has been hunted by the ruthless policeman Javert after breaking parole, agrees to care for a factory worker's daughter. The decision changes their lives forever.
《悲慘世界》Les Misérables (2012 film) Les Misérables is a 2012 musical drama film directed by Tom Hooper, based on the 1862 French novel of the same name by Victor Hugo, which also inspired a 1980 musical by Boublil and Schönberg. The film stars an ensemble cast led by Hugh Jackman(as Jean Valjean), Russell Crowe(as Javert), Anne Hathaway(as Fantine), Eddie Redmayne(as Marius Pontmercy), Amanda Seyfried(as Cosette), Helena Bonham Carter, and Sacha Baron Cohen.
Les Miserables - Official Movie Trailer
I dreamed a dream in times gone by
When hope was high and life worth living
I dreamed, that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame...
Anne Hathaway as Fantine, the mother of Cosette and a struggling factory worker...。Anne Hathaway is an American actress, the role in Les Misérables let her winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and many notable awards. In 2015 Hathaway was also one of the highest-paid actresses in the world. Anne Hathaway(安妮夏菲維) 在全片158分鐘內 演出時間不出15分鐘 及只唱一首名曲,最終奪得無數大獎 人氣一時無兩,是否異數 見人見智。
Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean(尚萬強), a Frenchman released from Toulon prison after 19 years of imprisonment for stealing bread and failed attempts at escaping from the prison.
Russell Crowe as Javert(賈維爾), a police inspector dedicating his life to imprisoning Valjean once again.
Amanda Seyfried as Cosette, the illegitimate daughter of Fantine, who is kept by the Thénardiers until Valjean buys her from them.
Eddie Redmayne as Marius Pontmercy, a student revolutionary who is friends with the Thenardiers' daughter, Éponine, but falls in love with Cosette.
Sacha Baron Cohen + Helena Bonham Carter as as the Thénardiers, a pair of swindling innkeepers.
Isabelle Allen plays Cosette as a child
Tom Hooper(湯夏柏) is a British-Australian film and television director and producer. Tom's remarkable films including :- The King's Speech 皇上無話兒(2010), starring Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush, and The Danish Girl 丹麥女孩(2015), starring Eddie Redmayne & Alicia Vikander.
註: 上文於2021年1月4晚 補續...
I dreamed a dream in times gone by
When hope was high and life worth living
I dreamed, that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame...
Anne Hathaway as Fantine, the mother of Cosette and a struggling factory worker...。Anne Hathaway is an American actress, the role in Les Misérables let her winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and many notable awards. In 2015 Hathaway was also one of the highest-paid actresses in the world. Anne Hathaway(安妮夏菲維) 在全片158分鐘內 演出時間不出15分鐘 及只唱一首名曲,最終奪得無數大獎 人氣一時無兩,是否異數 見人見智。
Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean(尚萬強), a Frenchman released from Toulon prison after 19 years of imprisonment for stealing bread and failed attempts at escaping from the prison.
Russell Crowe as Javert(賈維爾), a police inspector dedicating his life to imprisoning Valjean once again.
Amanda Seyfried as Cosette, the illegitimate daughter of Fantine, who is kept by the Thénardiers until Valjean buys her from them.
Eddie Redmayne as Marius Pontmercy, a student revolutionary who is friends with the Thenardiers' daughter, Éponine, but falls in love with Cosette.
Sacha Baron Cohen + Helena Bonham Carter as as the Thénardiers, a pair of swindling innkeepers.
Tom Hooper(湯夏柏) is a British-Australian film and television director and producer. Tom's remarkable films including :- The King's Speech 皇上無話兒(2010), starring Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush, and The Danish Girl 丹麥女孩(2015), starring Eddie Redmayne & Alicia Vikander.
註: 上文於2021年1月4晚 補續...